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8 Day Hikes and Walks in Sydney You Don’t Want to Miss

Walks around Sydney Gordons Bay Bondi Coogee

Sydney might be my favorite city in the world. A pastime of mine includes hiking, coastal walks, which are abundant along Sydney, and being ocean-side. Even without a car, the ease, cleanliness, and frequency of public transit is glamorous compared to US cities. Although not all hikes are easily accessible by public transit, I was

The 3 Areas to Visit On Your First Trip to Australia

World's Prettiest Beaches

Australia: the seemingly faraway wonderland, home to cuddly-looking marsupials, and to some of the cheeriest people on the planet. The country-wide population is almost half the population of California alone, the natives have brilliant accents and slang, and “almost everything can kill you.” Starting with the sun, which due to its proximity to the South